Sunday 13 September 2009

Rock and Roll is saving my life again...

I've spent the last two days recording at Dean St in London a selection of hits from the rock 'n' roll era with some classic Leadbelly songs thrown in. Why does this sound insane? My first reaction might be as yours: how naff can you get? But in some fucked-up way it makes sense. In doing this activity (some might even call it a service) there was a sense of saving the world, saving oneself, and even saving one's friends from boredom; at least there's something creative and imaginative to talk about from the whole 48 hrs: as Art Brut would say: "...don't play 'Rock Band'- form a band!". I felt redeemed, as we built up from scratch songs that were around twenty years before I was born. Such songs were, and still are, the pillars that hold up the popular music world we live in today...